Thursday, December 23, 2010
Holidays, Oneshots, and Wolves. Oh My..

Posted by Tiff at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Where are Tiff and Cee?
Posted by Tiff at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tiff's a Gleek :P
Posted by Tiff at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 12, 2010
10 Days of Christmas: Vampire Style - By Cee and Erin
Posted by Cee at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 27, 2010
Tiff and Cee walk in office in business suits and shades; looking badass and pissed.
Tiff: Send them in. (Voice stern and deadly.)
Cee: *curt nod and talks into walkie* Now.
Alec, NEZ, Felix, and Duckie.
Alec: I tried to tell you-
Nez: I don't want to hear about it-
Cee and Tiff snap fingers.
Cee: PEOPLE! Get over yourselves. This is important. GET OVER THE DIFFERANCES!
Felix: An orgy? *excited*
Cee and Tiff: NO!
Alec: What's wrong ladies? Why do you look so...
Nez: Did something happen???
Tiff: Yes...yes it has.
Cee: *sobs and grabs tissues and Tiff grabs them and uses them herself.*
Felix: Babes! What's wrong?
Duckie: What happend to the orgy idea???
Cee: We've been ripped off! *sobs*
Tiff: Plucked from the apple tree before we were fully grown!
Alec: What're you talking about? Whose neck do I need to snap? Did someone hurt you!?
Felix: Hell na!!! *flexs muscles* Their ass is grass.
Nez: I'll call Uncle Emmett!
Cee: *cocks eyebrow* Well, if you insist-
Tiff: CEE! We have to discuss how someome stole our story and posted in on fanfic!!
*Everyone gasps*
Alec: Define stealing? How???
Cee: She stole bits and pieces of it and used your exact words...
Tiff: Her Alec calls Nez Ren!
Alec: -.- Bitch is going down.
Felix: I second that! I mean, what the crap?
Nez: O_O Ren? EW! I mean I'd pick even Nez over that!
Alec: *smirks* Would you really?
Nez: Don't talk to me.
Duckie: So, let me get this straight. Someone took bits of your story and copied it? Are you sure?
Cee: Does a bear shit in the woods? -.-
Tiff: They even had the exact words on how you three met. Alec pressed his fingers to her mouth when she foolishly asked if Felix and Alec were the Volturi. She had the piano.
Cee: Let's just review the list, shall we Tiff?
Tiff: Love to.
NUMBER 1: The whole arrival of Nez is word for word basically.
NUMBER 2: Quotes of chapter 2 were exactly the same. The bathroom was described as we did it with a giant room made of marbel and a huge bathroom. Red walls in the bedroom. Alec brings her a tray of food; pasta.
NUMBER 3: Locket is mentioned as we did. Given to Nez from Bella.
NUMBER 4: Alec's scarf; and Nez not liking it.
NUMBER 5: The basic storyline of Alec being her guard! Major one right there.
NUMBER 6: She asks him to stay with her in the middle of the night; he declines.
NUMBER 7: Talking to Felix; venting. Felix has electronics in his room.
NUMBER 8: Going to a club. Nez gets drunk and dances with someone else to make him jealous. "Mr. Polyester" anyone?
NUMBER 9: Alec protests their relationship after kiss and Nez fights him for it.
NUMBER 10: Nez throws up after club and Alec pulls back her hair.
NUMBER 11: Felix is described just like Emmett.
NUMBER 12: Fountain scene/nickname discussion. Literally used OUR words.
NUMBER 13: His resistance to talk about his past. Nez gets fed up and ignores him for a couple of days just like she did in our story.
NUMBER 14: She did she three questions thing... -.-
NUMBER 15: Eye color convo is exactly the same.
NUMBER 16: Sparkling conversation is exactly the same. Nez describes Bella's opinion on it like we did.
NUMBER 17: Birthday ball. Aro's insistance on Alec being her escort.
NUMBER 18: Felix calling Alec "Al"
Check it out. It'll blow your mind.
FANFICTION: I can't help what I feel - by: Selenaaaaaaa
We're furious. Absolutely enraged. And a little heartbroken. This isn't a joke, this is real. We don't know what to say. We realize that this person might be a child but there is such a thing as copyright. We don't own the characters but we do own OUR storyline; and she's taking it from us.
She started writing this in July 2010. We first started writing ours in September 2009. So we know we're not copying her; thats for damn sure.
We just feel like crap, basically. We want to put a stop to this if we can; which is why we need YOUR help! We all have passionate fans; so please put your energy into this. Contact fanfiction and tell them what you're seeing basically. We can't be the only one who see the simularies. They're literally word for word sometimes. OUR WORDS! Words WE put a lot of thought and energy into. We write this for ourselves and for you guys; not this chick who wants to rip us off and call The Emotionless Shadow hers.
Hell, contact this chick if you want to. Maybe if she gets enough people on her case she'll delete it. We can only hope.
Thanks guys, and hopefully we can put a stop to this..
Cee and Tiff :(
Posted by Tiff at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 14, 2010
People, please relax!!
So here lately we've been getting A LOT of complaints on how we're taking too long to update or people asking when we're going to update...so I thought I'd give a little explanation on why we're taking so long. It's been a really rough and stressful week.. for example:
Problem no. 1: Tiff is out of town visiting family.
Problem no. 2: I've been in and out of the hospital with IV's stuck in my arm because I've been very dehydrated.
Problem no. 3: My dad has a kidney stone, so I've been at the hospital all night with him as well.
Problem no. 4: I've been sick, and have had some pretty effing painful headaches the past couple of days, and all I want to do is sleep and I really couldn't give a crap about writing.
We can't write all the time, because as you can see life gets in the way. Plus, I have school, Tiff has work and we both have things we need to do throughout the way. Please don't take this personal; we just need you guys to be patient!! :)
PLEASE have some faith in us, we'll get it up when we get it up. We always do, don't we??? ;)
Posted by Tiff at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Friendship fades; but Memories last vibrant forever. (Kind of serious one.)
I find it really sad when you used to be really good friends with someone, someone you saw practically everyday and had really great times together, and then over time the friendship faded into nothing. And now, when you see this person, neither of you say one word to eachother or acknowledge eachother's existance. The worst part is really, really wanting the friendship back but knowing it'll probably never be the same again. I guess the question we're asking is why? I'd like to know why; not only do I want to know why the friendship ended, but also why it can't be rebuilt.
Then you start wondering what is it that you did wrong, what you did to make the person not want to contact you anymore out of the blue. You try to talk to this person, try to get together with this person or just communicate somehow but you find it does no good.
Again I ask why?
After that you start comtimplating if the two of you were ever friends, or if this person ever actually thought of you as one. Because why would someone who wanted to be in your life suddenly cut off contact? It makes you wonder.
Then, however many years later, you know in your gut that this person really doesn't care...but you can't help yourself from caring about them and missing their company. You miss the laughs you shared, the crazy things you did, the not so wise things you did. All of it, the good and the bad. Where did it go wrong?
Perhaps it's true what they say: People change with time and with that comes...changes. People get older and start experiencing new things in their life, some things they they would rather not discuss with anyone. I, of course, respect all of that. I just don't know why someone would change so much to want me out of their life...
I might never know for sure. I do know that when I think back of them and the stupid things we did, I smile at the memories. Perhaps that's worth all of it, to at least have funny memories.
Friendship fades; but Memories last vibrant forever.
Written by: Cee :)
Yeah, I know, kind of depressing. It was just something that was laying on my heart from personal experience! :( I miss Hannah, and wish that we could still be friends but...life isn't always sunshine, right?
Love you guys! *hugs*
Posted by Tiff at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 9, 2010
Renesmee Interview: Chapter 22
Cee: So, Nez- *Renesmee cringes* Sorry, Renesmee....*rolls eyes* Do you think there is any chance of you ever forgiving Alec- *Renesmee cringes* You know, maybe I should just shut up.
Nez: I'm sorry. I guess you could say I'm a little...tense right now.
Tiff: Yeah, I think that'd be safe to say. *cough* As we were asking before: Do you think there is ever a chance of talking to HIM again?
Nez: No, I doubt it. Why would I want to?
Tiff: Why don't you answer that for me?
Nez: I'd really rather not get into it.
Cee: Oh, come on! It's just us here...no one else is going to be hearing about this.
Nez: Liar! This is for your stupid blog or whatever!
Cee & Tiff:*Gasp* We would never do that! This is...this is...*sigh* You caught us.
Nez: Whatever. It's not like the entire world doesn't know about this by now, anyways. I don't want to speak to him again because he ripped my heart into a million tiny little pieces that will not under any circumstances be put back together ever again.
Tiff ...Well then...
*Cee's phone rings; the song "Down by Jason Walker" plays*
Cee: Oh, sorry. Lemme get that!...Hello?...O_O Um....uh...
Alec over the phone: Listen, I just called to say that you needn't worry about our scheduled interview or whatever. I'll be there in a while.
Cee: NO!
Nez: Who is it?
Tiff: *Suspisious* That isn't--
Cee: Allan, I can't just drop everything I'm doing to come and have a quickie with you right now. We talked about this...
Alec over the phone: *sighs* She's there isn't she?
Tiff: *Grabs phone from Cee. Cee glares.* Albert!
Cee: *cough* Allan
Tiff: That's what I meant! As much as we all know you want to do ME instead of Cee; she's right. Now isn't a good time.
Nez: Who the hell are you talking to!?
Alec over the phone: *breathes* Nez...
Cee: Tiff, give me the phone!
Tiff: No! You always get to talk to Alvin-
Alec over the phone: How is she? Is she angry? Of course she's angry...why wouldn't she be? *sighs* I miss her so much-
Nez: Guys, chill the crap down! I'm sure Alvin...or whatever his name is cares about you both!
Cee: HAH! Whatever! Each time I try get a little touch he's always going on and onnnn about y-
Tiff: Yolanda!
Tiff: Yolanda is his dog. He's very passsionate about his...dog.
Cee: Right...his dog...*wink* So that's what he's calling it now and days..
Alec over the phone: Subtle, Tiffany.
Tiff: Well, you know-
Nez: I thought we were suppose to be doing an interview here? I drag my butt down here and all you guys can do is talk to a phone?
Cee: This phone- *grabs phone back from Tiff* is very special to us....*whispers into phone* Umm...I don't think you should come right now.
Alec over the phone: Yeah, I figured as much. You know, if you two weren't making me actually have decent storylines, I'd have killed you by now.
Cee: *GASP* That's it. WE ARE OVER, Alby! *hangs up phone*...Anyways...
Nez: ... That wasn't-
Cee: No.
Nez: *angry* I cannot believe you!
Tiff: In our defense, he called us...
Cee: Yeaaaaaah!
Tiff: *smiles at private joke*
Cee: Why would you be angry? I mean, it's not a big deal? If you're...over him?
Nez: I am!
Tiff: Sureee.
Nez: I AM!
*Tiff and Cee look at eachother and smile knowingly*
Us: Whatever you say...
Posted by Tiff at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Look what I made!
Posted by Tiff at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Fallen....I've Fallen!
Posted by Tiff at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
600 reviews -- (Plus badass picture)
Posted by Tiff at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Why do we do this to ourselves? O.o
Okay so moving on to things that may intrest you the most.
Posted by Tiff at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 12, 2010
10 things I'm most looking forward to in Eclipse [By: Cee]

Seth Clearwater!! Okay, let me just say that I think this guy is so freaking adorable! Which I probably shouldn't say because the dude that plays him is only four monthes older than me...but anywho! I love Seth, I think he is such a refreshing, down to earth guy! I'm very excited to see him in action!! Yay Seth! :D
.5 Now, you might be asking what is so special about Embry? Truth be told, I don't know. I just love this dude! He's seems very outspoken and a funny person. Plus...he's not to bad to look at ;) I know, I know, Cee has a crush on a wolf? Guilty as charged, but I can't help myself, he's cute + funny! Yay Embry!
.6The Volturi... Ah, yes. You see Alec, there? Looking like he wants to shoot himself he's so bored, smexy Alec!?? Thats my baby!! *Hugs Alec* And Felix, looking mightly fly and out of place with the shorter people. Jane, looking like Jane. And Demitri, who is kind of looking sexy here too..wtf? Since when is Demitri hot? Oh, since always. Hahaha...Man, they look like a weird group, don't they? Can you imagine those four walking down the street? Two teenagers, a mysterious gentlemen and a bulky man...they effing rock! Yay Volturians!
So, I would add more pictures, but honestly its been a pain in my butt getting them all where I want them, so I'll continue on without pics.
7. The famous tent scene between Edward/Bella/Jacob. I'm looking forward to that because I laughed in the books at Jacob's remarks and stuff. Plus the whole conversation between Edward and Jake is nice, they're not chewing eachother's heads off for once. They better put that scene in man...
8. The flashbacks! The whole Rosalie and Jasper thing...you know it'd be great if they did one for Emmett but appearnently he isn't important enough...UGH! But still, it'll be nice to see...perhaps Emmett will be included in Rosalie's story when she finds him in the woods? Doubt it.
9. The new Victoria so I can throw popcorn at her. RACHELLE LEFEVRE IS VICTORIA! >.<
10. When Alec speaks. Yes, very sad, yet very true. I want to hear him say somethinggg!!! All I know he says so far is "its time" and I'm hoping that isn't it like the last movie where he only had ONE line. wtc? MAKE ALEC TALK! He has a nice voice...very nice...so let him use it!
OKAY! So, thats my ten things I'm looking forward to! Hope you enjoyed my ranting! haha. Bye guys! :)
Posted by Tiff at 1:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Where are Alec and Nez?
Huh.... looky there. a Beach. I wonder....does a Beach have ANYTHING to do with the next chapter?
Take it what you will. *wink wink*
Posted by Tiff at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Okay peeps...have some news that might upset you...
Posted by Tiff at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Okay, a short one today....
Posted by Tiff at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Things we need to make clear.
Posted by Tiff at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
Posted by Tiff at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Holy SNIT!
Posted by Tiff at 7:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Formspring, Twitter, DEAN!!!!! HHHWD! WOOHOO!
Hey Guys,

Posted by Tiff at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Alec/Nez Interviews: Chapter 12 [WARNING: WE'RE DIRTY ;)]
Posted by Tiff at 1:35 PM 0 comments