Hey Guys,
It's Tiff again. How did you enjoy the Chapter? I hope a lot cause man that chapter took forever to write. we're currently working on CHAPTER 14 and will be posting that..
In the Meantime, I've been thinking about giving you lovely babes some links.
I'm one of those people who have Formspring...as to why I do, I'm not sure, it's currently in desperate need of attention. so why better to ask me questions then my readers? or friends?
so Entertain me. weather it's a question about TES [The Emotionless Shadow] or just questions about me in general..Let your mind go wild. LOL
I'll pretty much answer anything..
And Cece and I have been dicussing a possibilty of making a Twitter account together, so that we can post when we update and when we're together...would that Interest you loves? I don't want you guys to think we're high on our horse to soon, but we just want to Interact with our readers and to know whose reading our stuff and what not.
Trust me. it's about getting to know you, not to toot our own horn. LMAO
though I will admit...finding that we have over 300 reviews lights up my spirts and makes me want to write more. You guys are EPIC AWESOME.
speaking of EPIC AWESOME..
Cece and I have met a new man...*sighs* yes yes, another one. but what's so different about this one then the others???
*gasp* I KNOW I KNOW..I'm shocked too!!! He...he's a living, breathing MAN!!!!
Now, your all probably wondering, who could be the man who stole our hearts and made us change our ways?
Why that's none-other then.....
Dean Winchester!!!!!!

Hahaha...Yes. THE Dean Winchester. from the awesome show, Supernatural! Now do you understand? He's DEAN!!!! and yes we know we're not the only ones who love him, and we're a little late to join this band-waggen, but better late then never right? I mean...He won over our hearts!! He's funny, charming, sexy, protective...sensitive..*sighs*
Did I mention SEXY????
I ship him and....His CAR ♥♥♥
Oh and of course Dean/Family
I Looovve the relationship of Dean&Sammy [Yes..I know it's Sam..but I say SAMMMY!!!! :D]
and yeah....
win! really...He cracks me up. admittedly I haven't seen all the show, but I'm catching up dudes, really.
Anyways, I just left Cece's house and I'm pooed. so...SEE YA!!
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