Monday, August 9, 2010

Renesmee Interview: Chapter 22

Cee: So, Nez- *Renesmee cringes* Sorry, Renesmee....*rolls eyes* Do you think there is any chance of you ever forgiving Alec- *Renesmee cringes* You know, maybe I should just shut up.

Nez: I'm sorry. I guess you could say I'm a little...tense right now.

Tiff: Yeah, I think that'd be safe to say. *cough* As we were asking before: Do you think there is ever a chance of talking to HIM again?

Nez: No, I doubt it. Why would I want to?

Tiff: Why don't you answer that for me?

Nez: I'd really rather not get into it.

Cee: Oh, come on! It's just us one else is going to be hearing about this.

Nez: Liar! This is for your stupid blog or whatever!

Cee & Tiff:*Gasp* We would never do that! This is...this is...*sigh* You caught us.

Nez: Whatever. It's not like the entire world doesn't know about this by now, anyways. I don't want to speak to him again because he ripped my heart into a million tiny little pieces that will not under any circumstances be put back together ever again.

Tiff ...Well then...

*Cee's phone rings; the song "Down by Jason Walker" plays*

Cee: Oh, sorry. Lemme get that!...Hello?...O_O Um....uh...

Alec over the phone: Listen, I just called to say that you needn't worry about our scheduled interview or whatever. I'll be there in a while.

Cee: NO!

Nez: Who is it?

Tiff: *Suspisious* That isn't--

Cee: Allan, I can't just drop everything I'm doing to come and have a quickie with you right now. We talked about this...

Alec over the phone: *sighs* She's there isn't she?

Tiff: *Grabs phone from Cee. Cee glares.* Albert!

Cee: *cough* Allan

Tiff: That's what I meant! As much as we all know you want to do ME instead of Cee; she's right. Now isn't a good time.

Nez: Who the hell are you talking to!?

Alec over the phone: *breathes* Nez...

Cee: Tiff, give me the phone!

Tiff: No! You always get to talk to Alvin-



Alec over the phone: How is she? Is she angry? Of course she's angry...why wouldn't she be? *sighs* I miss her so much-

Nez: Guys, chill the crap down! I'm sure Alvin...or whatever his name is cares about you both!

Cee: HAH! Whatever! Each time I try get a little touch he's always going on and onnnn about y-

Tiff: Yolanda!


Tiff: Yolanda is his dog. He's very passsionate about

Cee: Right...his dog...*wink* So that's what he's calling it now and days..

Alec over the phone: Subtle, Tiffany.

Tiff: Well, you know-

Nez: I thought we were suppose to be doing an interview here? I drag my butt down here and all you guys can do is talk to a phone?

Cee: This phone- *grabs phone back from Tiff* is very special to us....*whispers into phone* Umm...I don't think you should come right now.

Alec over the phone: Yeah, I figured as much. You know, if you two weren't making me actually have decent storylines, I'd have killed you by now.

Cee: *GASP* That's it. WE ARE OVER, Alby! *hangs up phone*...Anyways...

Nez: ... That wasn't-

Cee: No.

Nez: *angry* I cannot believe you!

Tiff: In our defense, he called us...

Cee: Yeaaaaaah!

Tiff: *smiles at private joke*

Cee: Why would you be angry? I mean, it's not a big deal? If you're...over him?

Nez: I am!

Tiff: Sureee.

Nez: I AM!

*Tiff and Cee look at eachother and smile knowingly*

Us: Whatever you say...