Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tiff's a Gleek :P

Hey Guys, long time no see? I would ask you how have you been, but I'm trying to dodge the tomatos aided at my head. thank you.
again, if you haven't noticed we are random, and this my friends is a random post.
several of you have noticed we haven't updated in a while. there really isn't a excuse that comes with that. to be frank, we've just been either busy or lazy. but it's okay, we'll get though the rough patch (*Giggles at using Patch in a sentence*) and the chapter will be up.
to be nice I decided to give you the title of the chapter, to let you guys know we are working on it.
Chapter 24: Loose Ropes
does that tell you guys anything about the chapter? I hope it gives you a hint without giving you the whole thing, but who am I to say anything. other news.
Tiff has become a Gleek. as the title suggested. Yes yes, Tiff is watching Glee. and I have to tell you, most of my show's are Drama filled and it feels pretty freaking amazing to watch a show that's relaxing, and Happy for a change.
not that Glee doesn't have it's own drama, but you know what I mean.
and the Music???

Idk why but there's not a episode that goes by that I don't know a song in it. I have at least known one song per episode and you can bet your ass once again that I sing along with it.
I'm a good singer? Hell-No.
But that doesn't stop the stares that I get from my family when they come in the room in the middle of a Glee episode. :) Even my Mom can be found singing. haha.
Here are my favorites:
KURT!! - I love this Boy on so much!!! SOOO SOOO MUCH! He's the one that keeps me watching, because He's oh so hilarious!! and such a cutie. He makes me wanna hug him! Oh and I love his dad too. :) Of course I remember his dad from "Yes, Dear" and loved him on that too, but still....Bert&Kurt ftw! (OMG I rymed...O.o)
Couch: Son, if you make die a legend.
Kurt: Can I pee first?
ARTIE!! - *sighs* Artie is very special to me, because I relate to him soooo much. and I can't help but feel emotional whenever they talk about him or his wheelchair. seriously, i have to control myself. He's my second reason for watching. :P DON'T DIS THE WHEELS BITCH!!
(He also doesn't help that Artie is adorable.)
OHH and the guy can actually really sing well. I love his solo on "It's my Life"--"Confessions" Mashup they did. (Love that episode haha) I'm rooting for him and Tina also. and I hope that one day, He can dance. I don't care what anyone says, if he wants to Dance, then Damn it one day he's gonna Dance. LOVES HIM.
Artie: "But I want to be very clear, I still have use of my penis."
QUINN!! - Haha at first I didn't know if I would like her or not but I grew to love this woman. she's so amazing, and every scene now, I want to hug her. though I am mad at her for not keeping Beth, I Understand her reasonings for it. I just....I really wanted her to keep her and raise her with Puck. which brings me to my next one...
Quinn: "Ask Jeeves, said that a hot tub is the perfect temperature for sperm. helps makes it swim faster."
Gotta love that scene LOL
PUCK!! - Hahah pretty much the same with Quinn, I effin' hated him in the Pilot, but I should know better then to dismiss someone based on one episode (Chuck Bass ringings any bells here??) and The Puckester, has stolen my heart. He really wanted to keep Beth, and it kills me that Quinn wouldn't let him. *sighs* I ship Puck&Beth relationship, Oh and Puck&Quinn I swear. him singing to Quinn just made me ship them together. (Actually it was the first scene they had together that did it, but that's because she was being mean to him and I saw sparks. :P THEY HAVE CHEMISTRY!!) I feel like Puck has a lot of growing up to do, but He truly cares for Quinn, and if this doesn't get you to ship them Idk what will.
Quinn: "Did you love me?"
Puck: "Yes. Especially right now." ♥
SEE?!?! When they were together he loved her. as he told her, it wasn't just another hook up for him. and he said that so sweetly. though he was trying to get into her pants, I can't help but feel for the guy whenever Quinn was with Finn. UGH. lmao okay Moving on. this is because a Quinn&Puck convo, and that's not what I wanted.
Puck: "Hey Ankle grabber, I had sex with your mother. No seriously, I cleaned your pool and then had sex with her in your bed. nice star wars sheets."
SUE!! - How can anyone hate Sue?? I mean honestly, I don't understand it. she's freaking amazingg. She's the Bad-guy of the show, yet she has a soft side, and it's shown in so many ways. I wanted to rip Will's head off for playing with her emotions. how dare he, but I can't help but laugh at Sue's sudden interest in Will. and OMG The woman has a diary. THAT'S EFFIN' AMAZING. I have seen this woman once before, and she was pretty funny in that too, but this? this character is the shit. I mean there's countless qoutes I can use, but I'll just use this one, because it has Sue's favorite word.
Sue: "Smell your armpits. That is the smell of failure."
I want to see more of her and her sister together. I'm not a shipper to Will&Sue by anymeans but I want a friendship with them. LIKE YESTERDAY. lmao. FRIENMIES FTW!!
Brittany: HAHAHAH The girl has some of the funniest qoutes. haha she's so dumb it's funny. and I can't wait to see her in S2. ;) I really can't say much about her character because the only thing that is clear is that Brittany is a blonde. in the sterotype way. but it's cute. she's suppose to be this spy for Sue with the Glee club but she ends up staying with her friend/sometimes lover Santana. I don't think she has a clue on what's up, but she's willing to sex with anything that walks. so you can't really figure it if she's Bi or what because of it. I believe she's Bi but she could just be a whoreist kind of person and just doesn't care. haha. can she sing?
I don't know. she's always the background dancer, and I would lovvve for her to have a solo just to see what she would sing about. LOL
Will: "Take it away Brittany!"
Brittany: "Take what away?"
The girl has some serious issues. LOL
Okay so that's pretty much it. *sighs* I'm a Gleek and I'm proud. S2 starts in 3 hours and you know where I'll be??? RIGHT. IN FRONT BABY!
I don't care if I have to share this fandom with myself and Cee wont watch. I don't care, you know why???
That's why People.
PS- on a personal note, I'm sick, and I feel like shit.