Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friendship fades; but Memories last vibrant forever. (Kind of serious one.)

I find it really sad when you used to be really good friends with someone, someone you saw practically everyday and had really great times together, and then over time the friendship faded into nothing. And now, when you see this person, neither of you say one word to eachother or acknowledge eachother's existance. The worst part is really, really wanting the friendship back but knowing it'll probably never be the same again. I guess the question we're asking is why? I'd like to know why; not only do I want to know why the friendship ended, but also why it can't be rebuilt.

Then you start wondering what is it that you did wrong, what you did to make the person not want to contact you anymore out of the blue. You try to talk to this person, try to get together with this person or just communicate somehow but you find it does no good.

Again I ask why?

After that you start comtimplating if the two of you were ever friends, or if this person ever actually thought of you as one. Because why would someone who wanted to be in your life suddenly cut off contact? It makes you wonder.

Then, however many years later, you know in your gut that this person really doesn't care...but you can't help yourself from caring about them and missing their company. You miss the laughs you shared, the crazy things you did, the not so wise things you did. All of it, the good and the bad. Where did it go wrong?

Perhaps it's true what they say: People change with time and with that comes...changes. People get older and start experiencing new things in their life, some things they they would rather not discuss with anyone. I, of course, respect all of that. I just don't know why someone would change so much to want me out of their life...

I might never know for sure. I do know that when I think back of them and the stupid things we did, I smile at the memories. Perhaps that's worth all of it, to at least have funny memories.

Friendship fades; but Memories last vibrant forever.

Written by: Cee :)

Yeah, I know, kind of depressing. It was just something that was laying on my heart from personal experience! :( I miss Hannah, and wish that we could still be friends isn't always sunshine, right?

Love you guys! *hugs*
