Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holidays, Oneshots, and Wolves. Oh My..

Ello Guys!

Tiff here. :) How is everyone? I wanted to Thank everyone whose reviewed on TES. I went to check reviews today and saw



Our response?

Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
Thank you!!!
The Possibility of getting some much feedback and support from our readers, never crossed our mind. In fact we never even thought it was possible. I mean we wrote in thinking we'd be lucky to have ONE review. and now look at us! It's crazy. I know some poeple would think 800 isn't anything but for us, it's epic! and we appericate everyone of you guys. we couldn't of written so much without you! You guys are awesome Thank you!
On a side now, I also wanted to sheild some light on other Matters. Now, Idk if you guys realize this but Cece and I have our own personal accounts.
"HisRubyEyes" - Cee's
"DefineDelicate" - Tiff's
Although we don't go on there a lot, and barely write alone, you can visit there and find a new Vampire Diaries one-shot written by yours true, called:
"Replacing Pain With Pleasure"
It's Tyler&Caroline focused. Mrated. ;)
I don't think I'll write as much on there as I do on IITM, however Ideas have been flying in my head between chapters of TES and I have to get them out somehow. Maybe oneday they'll get posted on IITM but as of now, the one one-shot will remain where it's at. I had a lot more stories up there, ranging from GossipGirl to Angel the series. I was reading through those stories, and GOSH THEIR HORRIBLE.
So I deleted them.
Cece doesn't have stories on hers. {Except for our CB's "Going up?" one-shot, which can be found on our page.} I don't know if she'll ever write anything further on there but if she does, you might want to get tabs, because I know I sure as hell would want to read it. Girl's a BAMF!
As for updates on TES we are writing the next chapter, and have gotten pretty far considering it's us. However I wouldn't expect it till after Christmas.
Also, If you have a Tumblr, A Friend of Cece's and Mine named Kris {AKA WinchesterFAngel...Yes The one who makes the EPIC Renesmee&Alec videos on Youtube.} has made a Tumblr dedicated to TES and Renesmee&Alec. If you have one please follow!
It's submit friendly, So If you have little pretties dedicated to our fanfic, don't be shy. we'd love to see them added.
Other then the things mentioned, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas this year. and may all of you guys get what you wish for. You all deserve it!
We Love you! :)
Ps- BTW Tyler Lockwood is one fine peice of-- I'm sorry. That was random of me.
All well....It needed to be said. ;) He's our new Boo. Haha ADDING TO THIS LIST OF GWIFs ;)