Seth Clearwater!! Okay, let me just say that I think this guy is so freaking adorable! Which I probably shouldn't say because the dude that plays him is only four monthes older than me...but anywho! I love Seth, I think he is such a refreshing, down to earth guy! I'm very excited to see him in action!! Yay Seth! :D
.5 Now, you might be asking what is so special about Embry? Truth be told, I don't know. I just love this dude! He's seems very outspoken and a funny person. Plus...he's not to bad to look at ;) I know, I know, Cee has a crush on a wolf? Guilty as charged, but I can't help myself, he's cute + funny! Yay Embry!
.6The Volturi... Ah, yes. You see Alec, there? Looking like he wants to shoot himself he's so bored, smexy Alec!?? Thats my baby!! *Hugs Alec* And Felix, looking mightly fly and out of place with the shorter people. Jane, looking like Jane. And Demitri, who is kind of looking sexy here too..wtf? Since when is Demitri hot? Oh, since always. Hahaha...Man, they look like a weird group, don't they? Can you imagine those four walking down the street? Two teenagers, a mysterious gentlemen and a bulky man...they effing rock! Yay Volturians!
So, I would add more pictures, but honestly its been a pain in my butt getting them all where I want them, so I'll continue on without pics.
7. The famous tent scene between Edward/Bella/Jacob. I'm looking forward to that because I laughed in the books at Jacob's remarks and stuff. Plus the whole conversation between Edward and Jake is nice, they're not chewing eachother's heads off for once. They better put that scene in man...
8. The flashbacks! The whole Rosalie and Jasper thing...you know it'd be great if they did one for Emmett but appearnently he isn't important enough...UGH! But still, it'll be nice to see...perhaps Emmett will be included in Rosalie's story when she finds him in the woods? Doubt it.
9. The new Victoria so I can throw popcorn at her. RACHELLE LEFEVRE IS VICTORIA! >.<
10. When Alec speaks. Yes, very sad, yet very true. I want to hear him say somethinggg!!! All I know he says so far is "its time" and I'm hoping that isn't it like the last movie where he only had ONE line. wtc? MAKE ALEC TALK! He has a nice voice...very nice...so let him use it!
OKAY! So, thats my ten things I'm looking forward to! Hope you enjoyed my ranting! haha. Bye guys! :)
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