Friday, March 5, 2010

My awesome -boring and pathetic- thing I call my life!

So since Tiff gets to write her own blog without me [and I'll admit I've done the same] I thought I would do one by myself. Again....
I just got back home from my Grandparent's house last night. I was staying with them for about four days; as my parents were in Savannah without me. I guess since its their anniversery I'll have to let it slide...*sigh* And its not like I didn't have fun here! I did!
I did the following:

~I watched The Sound of Music with my Grandma [I happen to love that movie. Get over it!]

~I hung out with my Uncle Brad and my Aunt Candice and my cousin Joe, who are by the way amazing.

~Went to Starbucks with Uncle Brad a couple times.

~Went to have lunch with my friend Susan.

~Went to a movie and to Olive Garden the next day with a close friend of mine, Barbara.
~Uncle Brad bought me a game for my PS2.
~And the most fun was listening to Mark snore...
And you ask, who is Mark??

Let me explain..

Mark...Mark, Mark. Mark...
My Grandma [ we'll call her Melody ] Melody remarried this awesome guy Terry. Terry has a son. Mark. Mark quit his job as a truck driver so Melody and Terry decided to let him stay with them for a while. Well, at first they said they would let him stay for a week...


Its almost been a year.
Now, normally, I would not mind. But these are not normal circumstances..for Mark is a complete and udder SLOB!
Lets review some of the things I HATE about this guy, shall we??

1: He is a glutton. He eats all the food they have in their house. At one point, Melody counted that he had taken TWENTY cookies from the cookie jar in ONE night. ONE! He eats a astronimical amont of butter, lard (pure lard that Melody uses for her pie crusts, and only that) ranch dressing, mayo, ect. He doesn't really mind that he eats the entire household. It was so disgusting, the other day when I was over there, I had saw that he put a big glump of lard or shortning on his hashbrowns that he was cooking. I about puked.

2: He is a all class bum. He is constantly asking Melody and Terry of gas money, that he doesn't actually use on gas money. Who knows that he spends it on...and when he does take the car out, he brings it back on basically empty, and doesn't care that other poeple are going to have to use it and fill it up on gas that HE should have paid for. He says he has a job, and that it is about to open up..but he said that a few weeks ago..and he's still saying a few weeks. So you have to wonder??

3: He is creepy!!! He'll just stand in a doorway while you're doing something and just stare! You look up, and he says, "Hows in goin'?"
How I HATE it when he says that! Because he says it all the time and I wanna say something like, "Well it was better til' you walked in."
But of course I'm too nice to say such a thing to his face. He just gives off this weird vibe. There has been a couple things he has said to me -and I wont get into that- that just seem weird and odd. My friend Jess and Tiff don't like him either. They think he is a creeper as well, and we all think he is digusting so we came up with a nickname for him.


Because as we all know, Mark and fart rhyme. :D

4: He is a SLOB! My Aunt Candice and Brad (who are also living there but they are NOT bums and DO pick up after themselves AND contribute AND don't vacuum the house's food) have seen some horrific things in the bathroom. One time, Candice went in there, after he had been in it last, and she actually saw, and I'm kidding, she saw poop on the side of the bathtub. I'm not sure how much, but there is was. One time she was a trail of pee leading to the toilet because he didn't bother to wait..that bathroom smells SO bad because of him. And Candice, being the very, very sweet woman she is, cleans up after him!! Melody has talked to him about the several times, and since then he has gotten a little better..but still..gross right!?

And when he cooks dinner..oh gosh. Its like he dirties up every single pot and pan and plate in the house!! And usually he doesn't bother to clean that up either. >:(

5: When he sleeps...heaven help me, when he sleeps..See, he doesn't have a bedroom there, so in the nighttime he sleeps on the twin mattress. But during the day when he decides to take a nap, he'll just snooze on the loveseat. His snore is the worst sound in the entire world. Now, I know people can't help it when they snore, as a matter of fact my Dad came in a while ago and said I must have been tired last night cause' I was snoring reall loud. Its a normal thing to do. But he has sleep aptima, and he doesn't have a cpap machine...(again, this isn't his fault either) but he most KNOW how obnoxious he sounds, yet he doesn't care if other people are trying to concintrate on things. And this will be like 3PM, you know...Melody will be trying to work on her Bible study and she can't because she is snoring up a storm. It is so loud, and so...I can't really describe the sound..its not a normal snore..its'd just have to hear it I guess..not that I'd ever want anyone to hear it..

I can't really think of anything more. I know its there..but I can't think. Oh, and in case any of you were wondering, he is 28 years old.

And that, my loves, is what I had to deal with all week long.

But I had this little guy to keep my going:

This is my cousin Joe. He just turned 5 years old, and I love him to death!!

:) *Hugs Joseph*


Anywho!! To be honest I am sick of writing. I almost feel bad I have to poison the blog like this with Fark..and if you think I'm being mean, ask Tiff! She'll vouch for meh!

Cee: TIFF!! *runs to Tiff* What to you think of Mark??

.....*waits for Tiff's answer*

Well..Tiff isn't here right now..but when she is, she'll vouch for me :D

Bye peoples!!