Thursday, April 29, 2010

Things we need to make clear.

Hi. Tiff again. I came across a couple of reviews in the past for TES, that I thought I would answer. I would to it as a response to the person, with a PM but the users who have posted these reviewers are not members of Fanfiction so here it is loves

"Okay, this is a awesome fanfic. I LOVED this chapter. The part near the end was FUNNY! But that led me to think, are you foreshadowing that Nez is going to have Alec's baby? cuz in Breaking Dawn, They said werewolves imprint on people that would make good werewolf babies ;). So...since Jacob Imprinted on Renesmee that means she IS fertile. right?...."

Reviewer: Someone who reads your fanfic

Okay, first things first. Thank you so much for taking the time to review our fanfic. it means a lot that you would write such a thoughtout review without bashing us completely lol. I like that the rest of your review says we need to work on our grammar, but over all You like it.. Idk why but I tend to like critical but not rude reviews and yours was very mature.

that aside lets get to the purpose of your review shall we?

I will say this and I will say this once. take it as a spoiler or whatever you want, but let it be known by all our readers.

Renesmee WILL NOT be having Alec's Baby.

Okay? It just wont work. we know it says in Breaking Dawn that Wolves Imprint on people to carry their genes and such, we also know it was made perfectly clear in the books that it was SAM'S theory!




Okay, so that was bitch to get on here. I hope it works, if not I'll fix it. for some reason Blogger wont let me copy and paste so..I had to do things that hard way. ANYWAYS.

You see the red-underlined words? Those are the key words that allowed Cee and I to do what we did. It never fully states if Renesmee can have a child. It never states for sureee that that's the reasons for Imprinting. WE HAVE DONE THE WORK!!! lol. We have done the background check of every character you see in TES. all way to Alec, to Nez and even Poor Innocent Felix. do we change some things? not without reason we don't. we definately wouldn't change the mythology of Twilight and their Vampires.

[Even though clearly, SHE WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS did...whenever she created Renesmee...LETS NOT GO THERE. ]

Okay so is everything clear now? we good? do you still love us?

we know it can be confusing, hell...The reason behind Half-Vampire/Half-Human exisience confuses us. I mean Edward's sperm is like...over 100 years old and yet it can produce a child? wtf? We made Renesmee NOT fertile because, as fans we believe...well...we believe it's weird enough that Edward&Bella look like teenagers, yet their daughter looks 16. we think it's weird that she grows in seven years. with that knowledge we didn't want to do that to our Nez or Alec for that matter. It just wouldn't make sense for the story. also, I want to point out to everyone...just because you have sex once, doesn't mean your preggo. LOL. but still...I like how we got you wondering about the little things.

with that in mind, Thank you!!!!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh my...I'm using a white font so I cannot see what I'm doing! Cause the screen is white, ahh! AHHHHHHH!
Hold on, poeple...I'm fixin it!
*sigh* Now I can relax. Hopefully the words up there aren't completely jibberish. Oh, and in case any of you were wondering...its Cee! :D Tiff keeps thinking she can write a blog without me?? Blasphemy! I can do it too! :D
Okay, I'll be serious now.
Yes, I was gone for a short while...eight days to be exact. But it was worth it. Sorry all you guys had to wait a little while longer. But as Tiff said, we really don't have time to write ALL the time...
Honestly? We never expected to have as much response as we've gotten over TES -hehe- not in the least! I remember Tiff saying we wouldn't get even 1 review. And I told her, we'll at least get 1!! Now we have 391 reviews!
Oh I can't get the big font to go! *sigh* Sometimes I really have no clue.
Okay, this is what I'm going to do, once I'm done writing, I'll go back and make it right can't even tell its big and I'm blabbering like a complete moron. You're thinking why in the world do I torture myself and expose myself to this nonsence? She's saying the font is big but its not! Its not big!
*blinks* Sorry...
Anywho, now that I made the letters smaller...lets continue! Now that I've fried some of your brain cells into nothings...
As Tiff had mentioned, we are in the talks of writing another story BASED off of The Emotionless Shadow. Must warn you, it'll have very, very little to do with Alec and Nez.
"The Other Side of the Shadow" is about another couple who we thought wouldn've been amazing together. If you read her post, you should know who we're talking about.
And also, as she said...we have an idea for a ATS(Angel) fanfic...though all I can say is this fanfic; though it would have Angel in it, he wouldn't be the main focus.
Thats all I can say at this time.
Because I don't know how much Tiff wants to be revealed, and I don't want to get my head ripped off for saying too much :) Were it up to me though? I'd give you a hint.
Oh well...thats life, right?
Dude, Tiff must have done some work on here because the playlist and Tweets used to be on the bottom...and now they're on the side!
Thats totally stokin'!!!
Oh, stokin' is something we came up with, because when we were writing a chapter, I put stoking on accident, meaning soaking. So, stoakin' is basially epic awesome! :) A inside joke, if you will.
Well, yeah.
Hey Caro! If you're reading, just wanna say that we love you! *hugs* Like seriously! I really wish we could reply to your reviews but you have it blocked man! :( waaa...
Okay, so I'm going to go and do something go to my Mall World game on facebook (which I am addicted to)
Love you guys, thanks so much for your reviews! We eat them up like cheetos!

Holy SNIT!

Hey Everyone,
It's Tiff...again. I know I know what the heck? clearly the blog is much more fun with the two of us but...Idk we just hadn't updated in awhile.
I wanted to talk to you all about the fanfic "The Emotionless Shadow" AKA TES. lol
all I have to say is, we must seriously have some devoted fans. I was re-reading some of our earlier chapters like "Memories Best Forgotten" and HOLY SNIT. Our mistakes??? ARE. EVERYWHERE. o_O
lmao I mean there are some sentences that don't even make sense. I'm so Thankful that we Have Erin now, and Hopefully the Story's Grammar is noticably different, because I read that Chapter now and I'm just ashamed a bit. LOL
so yes, those of you who looked past the HORRIFIC Grammar mistakes and continue to read dispite that...two words for cho!
Also I want to point out to everyone that the reason it took us so long to update last time is because My Darling Cece {You guys call her Cee} was out of town. but that doesn't change anything now, because unlike what it looks like, we're writing like fourty pages worth of story here. Cece has school, I have my Nephews to care for...and if you know anything about Kids, you know that takes time and energy! plus, me and Cece would rather be together when we write because it's faster, BUT we're not together EVERY DAY. That's not to say we'll stop writing. we've put in all of this time to make the fanfic and to plan it for you guys, and we're not going away so easily. with that said, please be patient. the story is moving and growing and is on the site for good. unless it gets taken off by the people of which probably wont happen but you never know...and even if that did happen, we have a copy of the story already and we would post it here...for backup.
Do you guys hear that?? that lovely....MUSIC?!?!
Notice that there's music play Playing on our blog now. it's the Playlist of TES that we keep posted on our Fanfic profile. This way, it's easier for your listening pleasure. Cece and I put a great amount of time putting this beast on here and putting it together so..enjoy! LOL
What else is new? Nothing much. we're currently working on the latest chapter of TES. YES. YOU READ THAT RIGHT. WE'RE ALREADY WORKING ON IT!
why is that??
Remember ladies and gents [if there's gents] to follow us on our Twitter account
and ask us anything you want:
About our Formspring: You may ask ANYTHING you want, though I have to warn you questions regarding TES and what will happen next will pobably get you a very limited answer. in other words: WE DON'T DO SPOILERS
As hard as that is to believe, with us being Spoiler Whores ourselves, we don't give away the ending of a story we write. we do however give out two twitter-teases per-chapter. [sometimes the teases end up being cut from the chapter, but regardless, there's two ]
if you don't have a twitter, you can always find the teases posted at the RIGHT of THIS blog. [the coloring is a little light RED.]
Are we working on anything else?: No. not now. Our profile on says we're working on "The Other Side of the Shadow" AKA OSTS. This is partly true. Cece and I are planning that for afterwards.
The key word is PLANNING.
Things we can tell you?: we know it's going to be about the Cullens, and what happened while Renesmee was off in Italy. we also know it's in Jacob and Leah's POV.
The DUE DATE? since TES is taking so long, and we're half way through it...
it could be anytime. Right now, we want to focus most of our energey on TES, seeing as how it's already taken 8 months of our life away [holy snit..ALMOST A YEAR!]
anyways, once everything is said and done, we'll post a teaser at the end of TES to give you guys a heads up. we also want to work on other fandoms. such as Angel: The Series, and Vampire Diaries. remember readers, we are AU writer's mostly. if we write something for ANGEL it'll probably be the most cracked out, off the wall pairing you can think of. LOL..will the music on our blog change because of the story?
Probably but we'll still have the Playlist posted somewhere. weather that is or here. IT'LL BE SOMEWHERE.
Okay. now that all the business is taken care of...
AVATAR COMES OUT WEDNESDAY! Time to get myself ready for some Jake 'Su-leey' Sully love!! <333333
Okay...well that's that. again Thank you guys for all the suppose and to all our followers on Twitter. you guys brighten up our life.
Tiff of IITM ;)