Monday, March 26, 2012

What's taking you so damn love IITM??

Hey guys,
Tiff here. Just to let you guys know what's up. I have officially moved. AHHH. Also got myself a new computer. WEE! bad news? IT LACKS MICROSOFT WORD.

You heard me. He doesn't have a writing problem. It...has...NOTHING.
I've already had a meltdown about this, and Cece's had a meltdown..manly because her laptop broke on her and LITD is once again stuff in the land of not-so- Stokin' Justice. (Her Laptop)

I've....I don't know. I'm trying figure out a way around this to where I don't have to spend HUNDREDS of dollars for Word, when clearly I can't afford it. I need my writing stuff. I have a lot at stake here. you know? UGH!

If anyone has ideas, please DM me on my twitter @DefineDelicate
I would really appericate it.

Also once I get my shiz back and LITD is back to being posted...(haha see the joke there?)
I, Tiff...want to start posting my own Alec&Renesmee story. It's AH and well...I'll tell you a little about it and you guys tell me if your interested okay?

Basically....Alec&Renesmee Humans from...Acident Greece.
Oh yeah. I'm going there. I'm making Athens!Renesmee and Spartan!Alec....You read that currectly, SPARTAN ALEC.
This little Baby of mine, has been cooking for some time now. I love Acident Greece and anything that has to do with Greece really. (MYTHOLOGY? OMG YES.) and I have a passion for history. Spartan Alec is my opinion and I've been writing bits and peices of this every once in a while. I'm making it a QuickFic. What's that mean? it means I'm going to be updating daily. How is that possible when I can't even write LITD? I said, I've been planning this for a while and I plan on writing the story out completely before posting. The chapters will be MAGA short. (5/6 pages) The Title of this story is....Undecided as of now. I'm hoping it'll just come to me like most of the titles I work with.
Will Cece be helping me? Of course Cece always helps me in some shape or form. The girl is my muse and inspiration. She knows everything about it. from storyline to ending. Hell, she can't even deny, she fancy's my Spartan!Alec And it's her imput I will be getting before I finish this beast. I literally can't write without her. even if I tried. does that mean she's c0writing? Eh. I don't know. I hope she will it'll help me a great deal but if she doesn't, I surely can do this myself as I have for say 6 chapters now? it's a slow progression.
Will it be posted in my own fanfiction account or IITM?
I don't know. It's hard to say where this puppy will be. As I've said Cece helps a lot with the story telling and it'll just be posted wherever it's meant to be.
Have I done my reseach?
HAHAHA. Of course. I wouldn't want to write this if I hadn't. I watched movies, I looked up stuff online and books, and BLAH BLAH BLAH. I know Ancient Greece. I know what herbs they used to what Cloths they used for their clothes. Hell, I even know that some people dyed their hair back in those days believe it or not. Will I get everything right? No. since this is fanfiction, I'll have to modify some things and lets be honest, I'm only human. Acident Greece was A LONGGGGGGGG time ago. and it's impossible to get everything perfect.

Well, I think that's it for now. PRAY I GET WORD PROCESSOR BACK OKAY???? *dies*