Sunday, December 4, 2011


Hi guys,
How was your Thanksgiving?? or Better, How was Breaking Dawn Day? Well we had a blast and were quite impressed with the protrayal of the book. Personally Breaking Dawn was not a favorite of mine. and I think Cece's as well, but I can't speak for her, But the last book in the Twilight failed on some aspects that should of been. But most people know my opinions on the book so, I wont bore you with that. regardless of the suckness of the book, I have to say I was suprised that I liked it as much as I did. They changed some things but that's a good thing. (Don't think I didn't notice the change in the imprinting..."I'll be her friend, her protector, everything she needs." ....but NOT HER LOVER. SUCK IT SMEYER!)

ANYWAYS. I wanted to say Thank you guys for putting up with us this month. we've been through a lot. with our Health (Cece had her wisdom teeth pulled and she's drugged a lot.) and Personal. (I've had to kick out a over baring roommate and lost a friend.)

I hope everyone is enjoying LITD as much as we are writing it. Douche!Alec and Easy!Renesmee are so much fun to create. we feel as if characters should been flawed and problematic and as the story continues they change and evolve. and we hope you enjoy it. :)

Thanks for the reviews we're getting! 119 reviews for just 7 chapters. That beats TES. and it's crazy! THANKS SO MUCH!!


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello, our seven Followers. :)

Tiff tis here. At five AM no less wanting say...well I don't really know what I'm going to say. I usually don't on this thing till it's already happened. But regardless, I'm here. this early. [late for me] typing away at you beauties.

As you may have already guessed, TES. [The Emotionless Shadow] has ended. It's been such a crazy ride with that story and it's oddly, sad to see us close the door with it's final chapter.
Let me give you a farwell speech because A) I'm bored and B) I like emotional Good Byes to something that's been apart of our lives for about 3 years now.

When brainstorming this story, honestly me and Cee didn't think we would get the response we've gotten. it's lovely. and I want to thank everyone for the reviews and support. We have the best readers ever. I remember going up to Cee with this idea of a couple. Because I had recently seen a fanvideo of this pairing. this bizzare and beauitful pairing. and I kept going..."Am I insane?" well clearly, I was embaressed to even mention it to my best friend Cece. Whom I wrote fanfic with. I told her,
"Your gonna think I'm insane. but I have this pairing in my head, and they wont leave...but it's not possible! Okay, and it has Edward and Bella's daughter in it..."
she was all, "Okayyy...who? who do you ship her with?"

Now, let me tell you, when the first Volturi pictures came out, Cece was suprised to see Alec was Hot. I told her, when she told me who was casted as Alec that she might be suprised. little did I know the kid from X-men: The Last Staind would be haunting me this much. But anyways, I told Cece who I shipped her with. and to my shock, she got obsessed with them just as much as I have. we talked all night of the pairing. planning scenes. planning the connection. We knew the route of the story before even writing it. We knew Aro would want Renesmee for her power, and he'd use Alec to get what he wanted. we knew how their first time together --*winkwink*-- would go. we plan that first, strangely enough. and we also knew Edward and Bella's response. However things like Duckie, and Addie didn't come to play into much later. Felix wasn't even in the main idea of the story. I think kind of took us by the balls and made us throw him in the story. for which we were glad. We had worried that some of the characters, like Felix and even Heidi would be to Nice as a Volturi member, but then we realized, the Volturi members were once human. and they do have hearts. yes, their unbeating, but their there. as for Addie, to be frank we as writers, HATE her. LOL. she was such a difficult character to write. Because she wanted Alec. and loves Alec, and as Reneslec shippers, it was very hard for us. But By the time Alec came to Renesmee and she was refusing him, we knew we had to get someone to open her eyes. to see what it's like to loose him. and that scene was very fun to write. because it was like "FINALLY She can leave." It gave us some closure with that character. we've had to change a lot of chapters originally for the story.
Like, There was going to be this battle scene. A war even. and though it's nice in theory, we couldn't bring ourselves to write it. it just came out silly, and we hated it. so we rewrote. which turned out awesome, because this story wasn't about a Battle with the Volturi. it was about these two people falling for each other, depite who they were. It was about building a trust. that was the bottom line. I knew a lot of fans wanted more EB in the story. to honest, This was never going to have much of the Cullens. Because as far as Cee and I are concerned, they had their story. their spotlight. Alec never did. He was always a shadow. Hints the name. Which I came up with. I think Cece didn't really like the name but after so long, she went with it. and she came up with the new story's title. which is brilliant. we also found that Renesmee needed a story as well. a POV that was different then what Stephenie Meyer would write. we kept asking ourselves "What if she hated the Imprinting? That choice being taken from her?" and instantly, we had our Renesmee. who needed a new name. Thanks to Cece, we got "Nez" which I just LOVED. as many of you guys did. because we see Reviewers calling her that, and it just warms our hearts.
she is the product of Cece and I together. she's got parts of Me and Parts of Cece. with a little bit of spoildness. and we wanted Alec to be cocky. being a vampire as old as he is, and being a guard, he had to be cocky. He was the Boss. No one messed with him. not even Jane. and he knew it. we also knew he had a lot of emotional issues, dealing with his human life. so many problems that he blocked out most of it. like literally, he doesn't even remember what some people looked like. and he was happy with that.

Putting these two together has a been a rollercoaster. Me and Cee as people have been through so much writing this story. We've changed. we went through GREAT moments. and we've been through HELL moments. Haha. We put a part of ourselves in these people. some things in this story made us want to cry. and some things just mirrored our own selves. Hell, sometimes we wanted to kill each other. and it's weird, when Alec and Nez were fighting, so were me and Cece. like literally, as we wrote the fight scenes, we were at each other's throats. {we both have OCD, putting us together, we can get overwelmed, very easily.} and then there were moments where we didn't agree on somethings. like sexual scenes, and words being put. over all though this story has been our love. our baby. we would talk for hours, before we even wrote a sentence, about the chapters of the future. we'd be like one chapter 12 and talking about chapter 25. Haha. we still do that to this day. which is probably why we take so long to actually write. we just fangirl over our little world. and it's great. Hahah. as insane as it sounds.

I didn't think it would take this long to write this story. I was thinking "Oh, it'll be 10 chapters. and that's that." Hahaa No. No. TES wrote itself. and turned out to be 29 chapters. [with maybe a extra ending someday...who knows.]

I had no idea people would love Alec and Nez as much as I do. I wish so much that SMeyer would get her shit together and realize the possiblity. it would of been awesome. but in truth, I don't think I would of had as much fun being a reader then I do a writer of Alec and Nez. Not saying I could of done better, had SMeyers actually wrote them, because clearly, I don't think we're that great. BUT. it has been amazing, writing this story for you guys. Your passion for our dates, and hell even some people took their passion a little far...LOL..but. It's been a blast. to watch Videos being made, and pictures, and PMs..
I love you guys.

TES started with 7 reviews in the first chapter. it's ended with 955-
That. Blows. My. Mind. for a AU pairing. a AU. pairing of a character with only 3 lines in the movies. That's just flattering.

I hope you guys all keep in conntact with us. by Reading LITD. "Lost In The Dark." It's new. it's fresh. it's been updated 3 times already. and I promise on my grandmother's grave. it wont be as long as TES.

I just wont let that happen. Though it's be just as Angsty, if not more so. Hahaha.

Anyways, I think I've already bored you to tears with my Babble. It's almost 6AM and I'm starting to get the effects of no sleep. Hahaha. figures, I write a blog post inside of a chapter. *sighs* when will we ever learn?



Monday, August 1, 2011

Clearly, we suck.

so guys, I know it's been a long time since a update. again. I'm sorry, it's just this is the VERY VERY VERYYYYYY Last Chapter of The Emotionless Shadow. and it's hard for us to write, so...grin your teeth. smile. and pretend you still love us. Kay? Bahahahaha..

as I said, this is the last chapter for TES. buttttt we are working on other things to keep your Alec&Renesmee addiction.
I can't tell you everything, BUT! I can recommend a AH [All-Human] ONE-SHOT. Written by Us. on my [Tiff's] Fanfic page.

the link:

Now, again. This one-shot is AH/M-rated. if your not of the age/maturity level. what are you doing reading our shiz for?
The one-shot called "A Muffin In Scrubs"
Interesting Title? GO CHECK IT OUT.

You guys have been wonderful to us. and I love you always, and I can not wait to end TES. it's going to be awesome to be able to work on something else. TES is 2 years old. 2 YEARS. I thought when we planned it, it'd be a few months. but as always we suck. we really do. and it's probably never going to change. I'm really sorry we're like this. it's just the inspiration and the planning and excuses. anyways...

Thank you for sticking by us through these years. I will be forever grateful.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A message regarding the lack of updates.

Hey Guys,
Tiff here. I was looking at the last chapter, and I realized that we haven't updated in forever and I wanted to explain a little as to why that is.
Umm it's not really a easy thing to say. I don't want to make a big deal about this and go all in details as to what's going on with my Life, however as friends and respected readers I feel as though you guys should know some things. not everything mind you, I would like some privacy, but some are in order, I believe.
well lately I've been dealing with a lot of problems. I am currently staying at Cece's house because of my problem and getting better I think, but as of now I'm unable to write anything. my mind is very sensitive right now. and Though I want to write, it's just not happening. I was writing TES's latest chapter, and I had a fit so I'm a little scared to pick it up again. however Cece and I have talked a lot during my stay at her house, and have came up with some ideas for one shots. again, we're horrible we know but with my head where it is, coming up with Ideas is better then writing them. Idk why I'm having this problem, but until it past TES wont be updated anytime soon. I'm sorry. I really am. we do intend to update when we can, it's just right now I'm to rest and clear my head of stress. and unfortunately writing can be very stressful when it's to be expected.
Another reason why TES is not being updated is because Cece is prepping for Surgery on Thursday, and that alone can be stressful on her and family. please keep her in your thoughts and that she'll be fine. I will be with her during this time, so no worries, you guys. she's in good hands. LMAO.

I hope we don't upset anyone over this news but it is what it is. I'm sorry.
Thank you guys for the reviews and support you have given us. we have not given up, we're just taking a break. love you.


-- Ps. on another unhappy note. someone has posted TES in a different language, on a forum that's not expecting new members. we are not pleased. and feel betrayed as it CLEARLY states on our profile that we do not wish for it to be translated. To the person who took it upon themselves to do this, you are on our shit list. we're tired of this happening. and without permission also. wtf?

Have a good week everyone :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The New Nez and Other Shizz.

Hello, everyone! Cee here. I know it's been FOREVER since either of us have posted a blog. To tell you the honest truth, I completely forgot about it. Also, been busy with school and my music lessons and other crap you don't wanna hear about....but fear no more, because I'm not going to talk about my own personal like in the post.

I actually wanted to discuss something rather more on topic of TES and Twilight! :)
It's been released, (and I'm sure if you're a Twistalker
like me you know to) that a beautiful girl named Christie Burke has been rumored to land the role of the teenage Renesmee!
Of course, they're referring to the flash forward Jacob has when he "Imprints" on her. *gag*
But we're going to pretend that doesn't happen.

IT'S MAJOR NEWS FOR US RENESLEC FANATICS! *Runs around in circles, screaming*

Tiff and I were very pleased with the choice, and hope to goodness that it'll be confirmed by Summit soon! Because if this is just some rumor, I will be very, very, very pissed and will go Psycho Jane on everyone's asses!

Christie Burke

We've both throughout the course of our story picture Lucy Hale as our Nez because we both think she is very beautiful, and as Tiff and I said last night when we were talking about it, we both know that Lucy will always be apart of the TES writing experience for us, just because she's been who we've pictured for over a year while writing! (Dude, a year? Really? We need to hurry up man, we're starting to get old!)

Lucy Hale

I feel very much caught in between of the two very pretty girls! What're your thoughts on this new Christie girl? Do you think she can step into the shoes of Nez? ;) One lucky chick in our story man! Though I can't say the same for her in Breaking Dawn....ew.
Poor girl.

As you know, we're anti Imprinting to the extreme. If there were protests outside SMeyer's house, we'd be there in the front.
Hey, we should look into that.

As for any other updates...well, you know we're both extremely slow at updates, and I'm sorry to say this will never change. I wish I could tell you it would, but it's really not. I know we don't have as many reviews rolling in per chapter as we used to, so we have to conclude that some people gave up on us, which is very sad.
But unfortunately , we can't help when we are and aren't inspired in the moment (haha. Lame username reference ftw!)

We always intend to finish chapters, but it just talks us a while...
Sorry :(

Also, for those of you who might be wondering...
The Emotionless Shadow is nearing it's end.
Yes, me and Tiff will probably cry from relief and depression all at once.

How many chapters left? About 5 give or take.

As for sequels go...that's also very unlikely. We had once a while ago contemplated writing a ff based on what happened with Jacob and Leah (The Other Side of the Shadow) while Nez was away in Italy, and how she came to be pregnant. (Though I'm pretty sure most of you can figure that one our yourselves.)

It'd be fun to do, but waaay to much work at this point. I think the both of us are looking forward to a break, maybe do some writing outside of Twilight, perhaps something original and of our own. (Gasp)

But perhaps, and I'm not promising anything, you can expect some spontaneous Alec/Nez one shots, if Tiff and I ever get sentimental. haha. Whether or not it's A/H, or it follows what happened to them TES, I have no idea.

Needless to say though, we adore all of you guys and thank you so much for the response you've given us! Some of you guys have stuck with us for over a effing year, and that's just insane and heartwarming! *HUGS* We're glad we can make the Reneslec fantasy real for some of you guys..I mean, how else are we going to get our Alec/Renesmee? Stephenie Meyer sure as hell isn't going to write another book about them. -.-

So, fanfictions are all we'll ever have...but there are so damn good ones out there so...screw SMeyer's books.

Team Fanfiction ftw!

Hope you guys are having a good week!