Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Why do we do this to ourselves? O.o

So, last night at 12:00AM Cece and I got the Amazing pleasure of seeing The Twilight Saga: Eclipse in the theatre.
First off if you haven't figured it out yet, Cece and I are both hardcore Team Edward fans. that being said we have to point out how Effin' Hot Rob Pattinson looked in this movie. I mean I think Rob looked best in this movie alone. Twilight? he looked good sure, but his makeup was a little to pasted on, and his eyebrows looked scoped. New Moon? VAST IMPROVEMENT. I mean he looked fly, though there wasn't enough of him in the movie to appericate him LOL and Eclipse? every friggin scene I had to wipe my chin because of the drool man. HOLY. CRAP.
Putting Edward aside though I have to tell you I LOVED This movie. It was action packed! it had me swooning! it. had. everything.
It even gave me Blackwater. I mean every little sentense that came out of Leah Clearwater's Mouth was about Jacob Black. I'm thinking David Slade is a closet Blackwater fan. I will state that Julia Jones is not my choice for Leah given that Leah is only 2 years older then Jacob, and it's clear Julia is older, but thinking it over and seeing Ms. Jones in the Girl Wolf shoes I have to say her age was the last thing I thought about. LOL I mean I practically jumped Cece in the seat next to me when Jake saved Leah in the movie because I didn't think they'd show that for me. but GOD LOVES ME. :D

Okay so moving on to things that may intrest you the most.
I have to tell you guys I'm so glad to see Alec. and to actually see his face when he speaks unlike in New Moon where they focus on Jane's when Cameron does his lines. that was crap. but NOO NO NO...David Slade also is a Alec fan and I couldn't be more happier. I mean clearly he is a fan, given that Alec's not even in the Eclipse book, but yet he's in the movie. that screams FAN to me. Idk.. LOL
and ahhhh he had more then one line. and he was in FORKS. holy crap!
and you know, could they been any more blunt about the arrival of Renesmee? the Jokes between Edward&Bella, and Renee talking about having children and such. I mean dude...I don't even remember this stuff in Eclipse and everytime something about a kid was mentioned I was like O_O LOL
so yeah I'm quite happy about the movie. Emmett was AMAZING being as he put it "Badass" and all....I felt bad for Rosalie, and Jasper&Alice were so adorble.
that being said and stuff....I have to tell you guys about how the rest of the night was spent between Cece and I.
was it talking about TES? Nooooooooo...No no was talking about....Jane.
yes yes, JANE.
Okay if you know us personally, you know we're not her biggest fan. I mean she's a screen hog, to the point where people say "Jane has a brother? who?" and we were bashing her quite a bit. until suddenly we were plotting things for her in a fanfic that doesn't exist. I love how sometimes Characters create themselves in our head and it just pops out but this? this is beyond what expected. I mean it's Jane! ALEC'S JANE!
maybe it was lack of sleep. maybe it's something we ate in the popcorn IDK! buttt....
something happened to us. we just don't understand..
in order for this shit to work we have to have a lot of effin' patience. I mean this is JANE we're talking here.
so...what does this mean? what are we talking about...?
we're talking maybe a small fanfic after TES. then again TES was suppose to be shorter too but look how well that turned out?
Alec&Nez are our first concern. no worries on that but doesn't mean we can't think about things right? the last time Cece and I stayed up all night plot, TES was born and we became obsessed. it's like damn it, why torture ourselves? I'm sure Cece is going to do a followup blog post on this subject and I personally can't wait to see what she's writes but just so you guys know....
I've never been this confused in my life.
The end.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

10 things I'm most looking forward to in Eclipse [By: Cee]

Hey everyone!
This is just something I wanted to do for fun :) Since Eclipse is getting really close and lots of clips and pictures are being released, I thought I'd share some of my thoughts.
So, what am I stoked for?

But of course the famous makeout scene! You see the leg hitching? Look at his hand, he's full on groping her! AHH! :) And his expression is just...intense. Its just intense. Yeah...I'm going to be drooling in my popcorn when I see this, no joke. Hell, I'll be drooling through out the whole movie. There is way too much sexy going on...take number 2 for example...

Six words: Emmett. Cullen. Drenched. In. White. O___o Heck freaking yes!! JACKPOT! My life is complete. I had saw a behind the scene look of the movie and I saw a glimse of a muscular dark headed figure falling into some water dressed in white and me and Tiff both suspected that is was dear Emmett. Our suspicions are confirmed. I am currently loving whoever made this decision. I don't know if it was the screenwriter or David Slade or what, but I'm thankful.

The first appearence of Leah Clearwater. You do not want to mess with this woman, that much you can tell from this still alone. She just looks like she's a strong willed person, which I like :) I guess I would've preferred if they had chose someone who was a little younger, but I'm not going to complain too much because Julie does seem like she'll do a very good job at portraying Leah. Which brings me to her brother.


Seth Clearwater!! Okay, let me just say that I think this guy is so freaking adorable! Which I probably shouldn't say because the dude that plays him is only four monthes older than me...but anywho! I love Seth, I think he is such a refreshing, down to earth guy! I'm very excited to see him in action!! Yay Seth! :D

.5 Now, you might be asking what is so special about Embry? Truth be told, I don't know. I just love this dude! He's seems very outspoken and a funny person. Plus...he's not to bad to look at ;) I know, I know, Cee has a crush on a wolf? Guilty as charged, but I can't help myself, he's cute + funny! Yay Embry!

.6The Volturi... Ah, yes. You see Alec, there? Looking like he wants to shoot himself he's so bored, smexy Alec!?? Thats my baby!! *Hugs Alec* And Felix, looking mightly fly and out of place with the shorter people. Jane, looking like Jane. And Demitri, who is kind of looking sexy here Since when is Demitri hot? Oh, since always. Hahaha...Man, they look like a weird group, don't they? Can you imagine those four walking down the street? Two teenagers, a mysterious gentlemen and a bulky man...they effing rock! Yay Volturians!

So, I would add more pictures, but honestly its been a pain in my butt getting them all where I want them, so I'll continue on without pics.

7. The famous tent scene between Edward/Bella/Jacob. I'm looking forward to that because I laughed in the books at Jacob's remarks and stuff. Plus the whole conversation between Edward and Jake is nice, they're not chewing eachother's heads off for once. They better put that scene in man...

8. The flashbacks! The whole Rosalie and Jasper know it'd be great if they did one for Emmett but appearnently he isn't important enough...UGH! But still, it'll be nice to see...perhaps Emmett will be included in Rosalie's story when she finds him in the woods? Doubt it.

9. The new Victoria so I can throw popcorn at her. RACHELLE LEFEVRE IS VICTORIA! >.<

10. When Alec speaks. Yes, very sad, yet very true. I want to hear him say somethinggg!!! All I know he says so far is "its time" and I'm hoping that isn't it like the last movie where he only had ONE line. wtc? MAKE ALEC TALK! He has a nice voice...very let him use it!

OKAY! So, thats my ten things I'm looking forward to! Hope you enjoyed my ranting! haha. Bye guys! :)
