Sunday, January 6, 2013

What the fudge happened to you?

Hi Strangers & Readers.

I guess I should be the one to explain what has happened to us. Since it's actually my fault mostly. (Besides the lack of inspiration on both Cece's and my side of things...)

See...I met someone. kind of started dating. Kind of fell in love. and kind of live together now. and in which some states is considered common law married. (Don't tell him that.) Lets call him "The Goober."

The Goober is a main part of why Cece and I hadn't written in months. Mostly I haven't written since I've  been busy falling in love and everything. I know doesn't really seem legit of a good reason but Hey, you go try to find someone who consumes your every waking thought (and dreams shhhh.. ;) ) and you get back to me and say you wanna write about a couple who breaks your heart because their not canon. okay? Its hard. I mean I hadn't even seen Cece in like...months. Which is horrible right? I text her. I call her weekly. I just hadn't found to sit and read much less write. Especially when The Goober can come up and read over my shoulder at any minute and wonder what the fuck is his girlfriend writing about. (Ladies, he has read Twilight multitimes and seen the movies, if he so much as see's "Renesmee and Alec Volturi" There's no hiding what the topic is. and If he so much as see's that it's Smut. I'm a doomed woman. okay?)

I wish I could tell you guys more. Honestly but there are really no words to decribe this experience. I guess I could tell you guys a little about him? Yes? No?

The Goober is real name is Joseph. But honestly no one calls him this since he became The Goober. He's 22. (I know I Tiff? going for someone Younger? I'm telling you right now I did not plan for him to come into my life. I wanted someone older but eh...he's so fucking cute. okay? I'm weak!!)  He goes to college and majors in Computer Networking. (BRAINY AND CUTE. HEHE.) He is a fanboy of The Hunger Games, Twilight, Star Wars, Lord of The Rings, and other stuff. (I recently got him addicted to Spider-Man. Yeah I know. I'm awesome. ;) ) His passion is computers, BMX Riding and making badass milkshakes. No lie. and of course hanging out with me. oh and PC Gaming his other past time. He enjoys Skyrim. Anyone played that shit? its crazy. He also got me into World of Warcraft but Skyrim has taken over. Tis a sad day. What else? funny as hell? Check. Cocky? Yeppers. Quick wit? Most definately. Tender hearted secretly? Oh yeah. But only I can see that. ;) So yeah, he's smart, charming, goofy and a little special in all ways. But I think the most important part in all of this is I love him. plain and simple. I'm happy for the first time in like ever. and it's because of him.

another reason for our madness is when we do have time to write we lack motivation. So...we need to work on that. I'll try to write some today but like I said I have a man who knows fandoms. I can't be to open about this stuff right? we all have to have our secrets.

