Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What's up with us now...beware.

Hi guys!

Okay so a quick post today, sort of a heads up and all thinks IITM. We probably wont be updating LITD for a little while. BUT WE HAVE A REASONNNNNN.

Cece is out of town this week and wont return till this weekend, but that's not the big news.
Tiff (Me) is moving. Yep. MOVING. so as you can guess I've got tons of shit to do and pack and right now I'm just stressed, plus I don't know when my new place will get the internet. Not saying it'll never have it, because to be frank, I can't live without the web, but it'll be a while. My parents are wanting to buy me a new disktop for a gift so when that's all said and down I'll be able to write. I move in 2 days total.

IT'S AWESOME. because it's my first place by myself, without the parentals. So wish me luck.
I know you guys are probably thinking, what's so different then every other update, well this reason sounded important enough to mention. So you guys can't think we're just a bunch of lazy ass girls, pulling people's strings. we're not. we have lives. right now, it's just super busy.
maybe Cece will be able to write some once she gets back from her Vacation. (Note that her Vacation was random and supontaious and all things good in the world. and she's currectly getting some sun and hopping in a hot-tub with jets!)
I don't know. your best bet you guys is to hold your horses and pray Cece will find it in her to write. though I must warn you, she does have to school to make up for when she gets
Good Luck! and wish me Luck, I'm super nervous as hell. lol.
