Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Where are Alec and Nez?

Hello Tiff here. :D

I just wanted to let you lovely people know, Nez and Alec have been kidnapped.

Yep, it's true.

Their currently in the basement, trying to figure out a way to be rescued as we speak. I wonder how their doing? I would put out a warrent for their safe return home to me and Cece but why should I? Nez and Alec are together. In a dark, quite room....alone. Okay so maybe it's not sooo quite anymore. *wiggles eye brows* but I figured, their probably very happy! :) and by Happy I mean satisfied.

Okay lets be truthful on this.

The truth issssss....Me and Cece have suffered a Bad BADDDDD case of writer's block recently.

Called "We-fail-ism."
Edward: "It's very common. you can google it."
Tiff: Thanks Edward! *blows kiss and winks*

Yes, it's very sad and well known to fanfic writers everywhere, However we did cure ourselves recently, so no worries right? A couple of cookies and some good sleep and we're back in gear. BUT right now the chapter's in bits and peices and it forming together as we speak. the problem is, the peices in my opinion need to be molted together in order to work and right now...their not working..but I sent the chapter back to Doctor Cece and have high hopes that she will be able to make it work. because she's good like that ;)

PLUS! I know some of you guys have became very...Impatient with us. I understand it's been over a month since we last updated, BUT in all honesty, Cece and I are just human, and to be perfectly blunt:

We needed a break!

The last chapter was written really quickly! which wore us out. We love that you guys are angsty waiting for the update. We love all of your passion and excitement for our little world that we created together. BUT give us time okay? Please? we know it's been a while, but some time is needed to get this chapter the way it needs to be. the way it please both Cece and I. Believe me when I say, In the long run it will benefit you guys! the story will be better!

I keep telling you guys on Formspring:

"It'll be 2 days" "It'll be this week" "It'll be soon." as a answer to the most popular question, and that's because at the moment, it's true. some things change, like last night. I was presistant that I was gonna finish the chapter LAST NIGHT, but then things happened, and I wanted to rip my head off. I called Cece and I didn't even get to talk to her until the next day. so...yeah..sorry.

As for the last blog post. It is true we are writing a book. NO! we can not tell you anything. Is the Novel the reason for the late update. No. sadly it's not.

We're still in the planning period of the story. we have character's to develop and such. it has NOT effected Alec&Nez as of now. BUT that probably will change. who knows. but right now me and Cece are enjoying life and taking it one day at a time.

stuff like Her Birthday, and Spirit Bound's released effected the story.

[Yeah that's right. CECE'S 16!! woohoo]

anyways. the basis of this post is to put it simply.

As I tell my 3 year old Nephew.

Have a Good day everybody.

Huh.... looky there. a Beach. I wonder....does a Beach have ANYTHING to do with the next chapter?

Take it what you will. *wink wink*




Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Okay peeps...have some news that might upset you...

Don't worry! We're not quitting on Alec and Nez!!!
We just might not be posting our chapters as much as we used to...
Want me to explain? Okay...
Queston: Umm...who's talking here?
Answer: Cee :D
Question: Gotcha. Oh, and why the hell wont you guys be posting your chapters as much??
Answer: Glad you asked. Well, truth be told (and don't laugh) me and Tiff have an idea. An original idea. An idea that does not involve ANYONE else's characters. It involves our own. As in, yeah...we're going to write a book.
Question: HOLY SNIT! Really? Whats it about?
Answer: Thats confidential at this time...
Question: Uh...why?
Answer: Because it sounds professional and I like to sound like I know what I'm talking about.
Question: Wow, your pathetic. So, are you guys going to finish The Emotionless Shadow???
Answer: Indeed. Though I don't think we will be writing that spin off fanfic about Jacob and Leah. But we will have a couple of new oneshots in the future. Vampire Diaries is our target :)
Question: So you think Damon is absolutely and incredibly amazing? Not to mention drop dead gorgeous? (No pun intended)
So I'm tired of doing the Q/A thing.
Basically, me and Tiff got an amazing idea that will not stop bugging us to put down on paper. To those of you who might be upset about this change, we're very sorry! But we really didn't start writing this fanfic in the expectation of alot of people reading and enjoying it. As the story's end is getting closer, we will -as expected- finish it. Its just it might take a little longer, as we might be starting to write our other ideas down soon.
We have this very strange feeling, like we're onto something. So, after talking hours and hours about this idea, we decided to make it real. :)
btw, this book actually doesn't involve vampires!
I know! I know! Strange right? But really, there are so many vampire books out there, and after reading the Twilight Saga and Vampire Academy...there really isn't any point in trying to make something just as good. Not to mention Vampire Diaries
(which I like the show better but just sayin')
What it involves? Well...for now...even we don't know the whole story. We're still planning. Even though we have a basic outline of whats going to happen and what the book is about, and who the characters are...we have a looooooong way to go.
Unlike fanfiction, we have to create our OWN world, and not write about things we know about. So, it could get a little tricky. But I have faith in us. :)
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'm sure Tiff will have a follow-up blog soon after I post this one, telling you guys her thoughts on this subjust.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Okay, a short one today....

Cee here,
This is just a quick message for Caro, cause this is the only way I can talk to her for now hehehe :) You made mention in your review about how do you get your reviews to be replyable. Soooo, this is what ya do!!
1) You go to ff and click on sign up. You give it ur info and ect...create an account :) Whether the username Caro is taken, we dont know. But as long as your username has Caro in it somewhere, we'll know its you.
2) Go to your settings, and where you see "Private Messaging, PM." It'll probably be say disabled next to it in red, you click on enable and BAM!
3)....There really is no number 3...LOL! Once I can message you on ff, I'll give you my info for my facebook :D Anyways! Go do it!! nooww! Oh-- and thanks for the detailed review...again. Glad we could get your cats horny...didn't exactly know that was possible, but hey! We're proud!
As for anyone else that read this: Thanks so much for the reviews! You guys are awesomensss!!!! *hugs*
TTYL WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!